I am a bit late in posting these pictures of the Baltimore Auto Show, but better late than never. The 2012 Baltimore Auto Show was not too much to brag about though. There were considerably less cars this year and no luxury brands like Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi, and Porsche. Baltimore being poor, I guess it isn't surprising they didn't show this year. Also there were no exotic cars like Ferraris, Lamborghinis, etc. Worst part of all, no tuner alley! It was a big letdown compared to the Washington Auto Show.
While I love seeing the new models automakers are offering and what is in store for new year in the car world, I felt the recent Baltimore Auto Show showed how depressed the economy was. Through the grapevine I heard the convention center tripled there rates, which explained most of it. Even considering that the displays weren't anything to brag about and people were generally not having much fun it seemed. It sort of felt like 2008 was happening in the all over again, but hey this is 2012.
I hope next year will reflect a more robust car market and economy. Also hopefully the Convention Center will lower their rates!