The 2012 Motor Trend International Auto Show will be heading into Baltimore this weekend. I am sure there are a lot of gearheads that are excited about the Auto Show as well as eager consumers looking for a new car this year.
Like last year, Adam's Auto Advice is giving away tickets to the auto show. This year I am giving away 10 free tickets! All you need to do is “Like” Adam's Auto Advice Faceboook page and leave a comment below telling me why you deserve these free tickets. People can include funny car stories, adages or maxims, or just a fun reason why you need a ticket.
For additional chances to win you can also follow my Twitter feed and make sure to Tweet and ReTweet this giveaway. If you want to be even more ambitious you can become a Facebook Friend, add me to your Google+ Circle, and also include Adam's Auto Advice Google+ Page.
I think you get the idea. Follow me on social media to get a chance to win, but your chances increase the more social media platforms you follow me on. You can even increase the likelihood of winning these free tickets by leaving comments on these social media platforms and getting the word out about this giveaway.
Please leave a valid email address when you leave a comment below, so I can contact you if you do win. The contest ends Thursday February 9th at 11am. Again, there are 10 tickets in this giveaway. I will choose the winners based off how much they have shared my content and shown the most enthusiasm for my promoting my website. Winners can pick-up tickets or have them mailed. However, I am not responsible for tickets lost in the mail or tickets arriving late via the USPS.
The 2012 Motor Trend International Auto Show will be held at the Baltimore Convention Center from February 9th-12th (Thursday-Sunday.) For more information please visit: http://www.motortrendautoshows.com/baltimore/