St. Patrick Day “Tipsy Taxi” Service

Happy St. Patrick Day!  I am sure most people in Baltimore will be celebrating this holiday by going out to a bar or restaurant and having a few drinks.  Why not have a little fun, right?  It is important to remember to not drink and drive though.  You not only endanger yourself when driving intoxicated but fellow drivers and passengers on the road.  If you are going out tonight you might want to remember to call the “Tipsy Taxi.”

What is the Tipsy Taxi?  It is a collaboration between the American Automobile Association (AAA) and Yellow Cab that tries to keep drunk drivers off the road on holidays that usually involve consuming large amounts of alcohol.  To help with St Patrick's Day celebrations they are offering the service tonight.

That means on St. Patrick Day, Saturday March 17th, between from 4 pm – 4 am anyone who is at a Baltimore city restaurant or bar can call (#1-877-963-TAXI) and get a Free Ride home.

There are a few restrictions to using Tipsy Taxi though.  You must 21-years-old and need to live in the Baltimore metro area.  The taxi rides are Free but after $50 bucks, the rest of the ride is on you.  Still it is a pretty sweet deal and a good idea to keep intoxicated drivers off the road.

Supposedly the Tipsy Taxi line is busiest between 12 am – 2:30 am.  So keep that in mind if you call then.   Remember if you are drinking tonight please call the Tipsy Taxi number #1-877-963-TAXI.

Have fun and stay safe!

Win Free Tickets to Baltimore’s 2012 Motor Trend International Auto Show – February 9th-12th

Free Tickets!

The 2012 Motor Trend International Auto Show will be heading into Baltimore this weekend.  I am sure there are a lot of gearheads that are excited about the Auto Show as well as eager consumers looking for a new car this year.

Like last year, Adam's Auto Advice is giving away tickets to the auto show.  This year I am giving away 10 free tickets!  All you need to do is “Like” Adam's Auto Advice Faceboook page and leave a comment below telling me why you deserve these free tickets.  People can include funny car stories, adages or maxims, or just a fun reason why you need a ticket.

For additional chances to win you can also follow my Twitter feed and make sure to Tweet and ReTweet this giveaway.  If you want to be even more ambitious you can become a Facebook Friend, add me to your Google+ Circle, and also include Adam's Auto Advice Google+ Page.

I think you get the idea.  Follow me on social media to get a chance to win, but your chances increase the more social media platforms you follow me on.  You can even increase the likelihood of winning these free tickets by leaving comments on these social media platforms and getting the word out about this giveaway.

Please leave a valid email address when you leave a comment below, so I can contact you if you do win.  The contest ends Thursday February 9th at 11am.  Again, there are 10 tickets in this giveaway.  I will choose the winners based off how much they have shared my content and shown the most enthusiasm for my promoting my website.  Winners can pick-up tickets or have them mailed.  However, I am not responsible for tickets lost in the mail or tickets arriving late via the USPS.

The 2012 Motor Trend International Auto Show will be held at the Baltimore Convention Center from February 9th-12th (Thursday-Sunday.)  For more information please visit:

Washington Auto Show Admits Veterans & Military Members for Free – January 31st

Washington Auto Show - Lexus LF-LC Concept

The Washington Auto Show is holding Military Day tomorrow, January 31st, 2012.  This is good news if you are a member of the military or a proud veteran who served our country, because you will be admitted to the Washington Auto Show for Free!  All you have to do is show a valid military ID, or DD214 (discharge papers) and photo ID to get Free Admission to the wonderful auto show.

JR Martinez, who won Dancing With The Stars, will be in attendance as well WWE legend Sgt. Slaughter (who actually served as a Marine.)  The US Army Downrange band will play the Washington Auto Show's “Welcome Home Troops.”  The USA Cheerleaders will be performing to show their support for our military as well.

Scion Road Rage Show – October 16th

Scion Road Rage Show

Today, from 10am-6pm at Capitol Raceway in Crofton, MD there will be the Scion Road Rage Show.  It is Free and open to the public.  If you are interested in winning trophies or awards, just go to the show!  No entrance fees, judging fees, or show fees!

You can race your Scion, Toyota, and Lexus for $5.  Any other brand or type of vehicle will need to pay $10 to race their vehicle.  There is a gamblers race with a purse of $1,000!

This is kid and family friendly event.  There will be a moon bounce, obstacle course, and bungee run along with live bands, DJ's, food, waters, cotton candy.

On top of all this the entire lineup of Scion vehicles will be on hand to test drive at the Scion Road Rage Show.  This includes the tiny Scion IQ, the latest addition to the Scion vehicle lineup.

For more information visit: