I thought Maryland drivers would like to know that the organization that used to be known as Stop Big Brother Maryland has now joined forces and merged with the Maryland Driver's Alliance. Stop Big Brother Maryland advocated against automated traffic enforcement measures such as speed cameras, mobile speed vans, and red- light cameras
The Maryland Driver's License has the same mission and looks like it has been around since 2008. There website has information regarding traffic enforcement bills and measures, cameras errors, and shows how your local Maryland representative voted. All useful information that should help people make informed decisions whether you are for or against these automated traffic enforcement measures.
StopBigBrotherMD.org is now part of the Maryland Drivers Alliance.
Our mission is to protect the rights of Maryland drivers. We oppose the corrupting effect which automated enforcement has on our justice system. We are your source of information for everything Maryland officials don't want you to know about speed cameras.
We support responsible enforcement of traffic laws by human officials and the proper application of traffic engineering principals to improve safety. Drivers should always make safety their first priority.
Visit the website if you would like to learn more: http://www.mddriversalliance.org/