Welcome to my blog! My name is Adam, and I will be giving advice about cars. I've found that even though people have intimate relationships with their cars, many are lost when it comes to any real knowledge about their car. The advice I will write will help educate and inform. This blog will be geared toward the “Average Person” who knows little about the vehicle they drive. I will do my best to explain in simple terms.
So….. have no fear because Auto Adam is right here!
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Adam loves cars and anything with wheels. He has many interests and passions but he especially loves writing and blogging. Hence starting this auto blog.
Hi Adam!
This blog looks awesome and very useful! I'll be bookmarking it and checking it. 🙂
Hope you're doing well!
Zsaleh, you can subscribe to be a "Follower" on my blog. That way you get updates when I post.
If anyone has any Questions or Comments, write to adamsautoadvice@gmail.com!
hi, what is the best lube for a crank shaft
I also hear you must lube your rear seals?
Yes, you should do that.
Usually if you buy a Crankshaft, the kit comes with special pre-install engine lubricant. I’ve just used heavyweight oil to install Crankshafts in the past, which seemed to work fine.