RelayRides Takes Peer-to-Peer Car Sharing Nationwide


RelayRides, the world's first peer-to-peer car sharing service, is breaking out of San Francisco and Boston and is launching nationwide today. “Anybody in the country will be able to enroll their car and rent [out] their cars right away,” says Shelby Clark, the company’s founder and Chief Community Officer.  RelayRides introduces us to the revolutionary concept of neighbors renting out their cars to fellow neighbors.  A renter can get a car for as little as $5 an hour.

What are the benefits of personal car sharing?  It is “more affordable, more accessible, and more efficient,” according to Clark. The average shared car “takes 14 other cars off the road,” thus allowing people to meet their mobility needs using far fewer cars. Clark explained.  It is “really good for the environment, community, and local economy.”

RelayRides makes a lot of sense financially in this down economy and in general. Car owners should think of it this way: That car you drive only a few days a week can make you some money when you aren’t using it. On average a car owner using RelayRides can earn $200-$250 a month.  (That’s $2,400-$3,000 dollars a year!) Clark personally makes around $400 a month renting out his Yellow Mini Convertible, which he told me is a lot of fun on sunny San Francisco days.

Renters who take part in RelayRides reap benefits as well. “Car sharing is a more attractive alternative to car ownership,” said Clark.  On average a person can save $500 a month not owning a car and taking part in car sharing.  “It is really convenient and affordable.  The car is located right in your neighborhood,” said Clark.

The personal car sharing concept might be hard for some people to understand.  When Clark initially pitched the idea to friends he faced a bit of resistance. “People were polite and raised their eyebrows, “So you want a stranger to drive my car?”  Clark emphasized the difference in opinion now, “The typical reaction I get from people now when I tell them about RelayRides for the first time is, “Huh, that makes a lot of sense!”

RelayRides currently has 200 cars in the two city fleet and 6000 members. By launching this innovative service nationwide, Clark expects these numbers to grow significantly. “We have learned a lot over the past two years of operation. We feel ready to bring this to the masses,” he told me.

There is a lot of room for growth.  According to Clark there are only about 1 million car-sharing members in North America. With 260 million cars on the road, that equals around 1.2 cars per person in the US.  Shelby thinks this is incredibly wasteful.  He believes that personal car sharing is an ideal solution.  Besides, most cars are only used about 8% percent of the time; the rest of the time they are just parked.

RelayRides is covered by a $1 million insurance policy and market-leading security safeguards.  It is backed by over $13M in venture capital funding from leading investors, such as Google Ventures and GM Ventures.

What impressed me while talking with Clark was not only his enthusiasm, optimism, and drive to make car sharing a viable option for everyone, but his attitude toward the competition. I thought other car sharing services might be unnerved by the news of RelayRides going national. However, Clark sees car sharing companies as being in this together, working for the greater good. He feels there is room for more than one company and that collaboration could be helpful to everyone.

This is a “big step forward for car sharing,” Clark told me. I think it certainly is and the future looks bright for RelayRides.

Two Millionth MINI produced in UK, You Can Win It on Facebook!

david cameron mini convertible After ten years of of production of the new MINI in Oxford, British Prime Minister David Cameron drove the Two-millionth MINI off the line and out of the plant.  Cameron declared: “It’s a real privilege to drive this true British icon off the production line today. The 2 millionth MINI to be made here in Oxford is a fantastic symbol of the UK’s strength in the global automotive industry and a great British manufacturing success story. MINI is not just a symbol of our industrial past, but also the great industrial future we want to build.”  Frank-Peter Arndt, member of the Board of Management of BMW added, “Production of the two millionth MINI comes on the back of strong demand worldwide…The most essential factors in the success of MINI are the skills, passion and dedication of our associates.” Producing 216,302 special premium brand MINI vehicles in 2010 and exporting to more than 90 countries across the globe, MINI was the third-largest vehicle manufacturer in the UK, accounting for 17 percent of national automotive production. The Oxford plant currently builds four MINI models: the MINI, MINI Convertible, MINI Clubman and the new MINI Coupé. A fifth model, the MINI Roadster, will be added at the end of the year. The Two-Millionth MINI is no ordinary MINI, as it's adorned with special paintwork and extras and… it's a convertible.  Best part about it?  You can win this special MINI convertible!  It will be the prize in a global campaign on Facebook “2 Million MINI – 2 Million Faces.”  It will compile the faces of two million MINI fans on a special Facebook “wall”.  The winner will be chosen at random among everyone who enters by submitting a photo.  You better hurry as the contest ends on September 30th. The MINI has turned into a much beloved and iconic car.  Some would say it's even reached a cult status of sorts.  The original Mini Cooper has been featured in movies such as the original 1969 “The Italian Job” with Michael Caine.  The car chase sequences through Rome in the movie are considered some of the best in cinema history.  A certain auto journalist definitely agrees!  A remake of “The Italian Job” was made in 2003 with Mark Wahlberg and Charlize Theron which featured the new MINI and another set of exciting car chase sequences. Congratulations to the Oxford plant and MINI (or should I say BMW) for making 2 million.  They are great little cars.  I look forward to seeing 2 Million more on the road!