Adam’s 7 Tips for Winterizing Your Car

Replacing My Wipers for Cold Weather

With the unusually warm weather in January, I felt a bit odd posting a list of tips for winterizing your car.  Now that there is actually snow on the ground in Baltimore, and it is cold, it makes more sense posting this list.  No sense in posting a list in the Spring!

“Adam's 7 Tips for Winterizing Your Car.”

  1. Hey, Your Car is Dirty:  This is something that is a good idea to do before it gets cold and there is snow on the ground.  (Ok, maybe I should have posted this earlier.)  It's good to clean your car of all the road grime and dirt, because during the winter cars tend to attract more dirt.  Clean the interior of the car as well.  If you don't have rubber floormats, I would consider buying them as it will help keep your car's interior cleaner.  Most people don't clean their cars during the winter, so that is why I suggest this.
  2. Ohh, My Battery Is Dead: It is a very good idea to get your battery checked or take a look yourself.  Low temperatures make it hard for the chemical reactions inside your battery to operate normally, meaning it has reduced power to get your car started.  Most auto parts stores do Free battery checks using specialized testers, and they can usually test your whole electrical system too.  If you have had trouble starting your car in the past due to the battery going dead or it has given you problems, you probably should just get a new battery.  If it is more than 3-4 years old, replace it.
  3. Get Rid Of That Battery Corrosion: Even if your battery is not that old, servicing it might be a good idea.  By that I mean making sure there is no corrosion on the terminals or cables.  If you are comfortable cleaning the terminals and battery, it is a good idea to do that yourself.  (Remember undo the negative cable first, then the positive cable.)  A quick way to get all the corrosion off is to pour warm water on top of the battery, which quickly washes away all that white sulfate deposit.  You can then take wire brush and clean the terminals and cables, ensuring you battery has a good connection.
  4. Can You See The Light?:  Having a Headlight or Taillight bulb out is an easy thing to miss. Hey, I understand!  Since the days are shorter and the nights longer in winter, it is good to make sure they are functioning properly.  Turn on your cars lights and walk around to make sure all are in working order.  Don't forgot to check those blinkers too!  If any are out or very dim, replace it.  Then you don't need to worry about it later.
  5. Keep Your Coolant:  You want to make sure you have a 50:50 mix of anti-freeze and water inside your radiator. If there isn’t enough anti-freeze in the mix, it could potentially freeze in the cold weather.  How do you know if you have a 50/50 coolant or anti-freeze mixture?  There are test strips and special tools to test the mixture and pH level of coolant.  I rarely see many shops using them, but you can buy them at auto parts stores.  You might want to consider doing a coolant flush if you have never done it, or if it has been 4+ years since you have flushed your coolant.  Don't forgot to also check your hoses.  If they are bulging hard, brittle, deformed, squishy, or have hairline cracks, replace the hose.
  6. Is Your Tread Dead?: When is the last time you checked you tire pressure?  Mmm… better check it, since tires lose about 1psi for every 10 degree change in temperature.   You gas mileage will improve and your car will handle better.  Also make sure you have adequate tread and your tires are not worn-out.  If you live in climate that gets heavy snow, switching to snow tires for the winter might not be bad idea.
  7. Can You See the Road?: Wipers are very easy to overlook, but very important for inclement weather.  Check your wipers are not streaking or has rubber falling off.  If they are old and aren't doing the job, replace them.  I recommend Bosch frame-less wipers, which last longer and work better.  I have Bosch wipers installed on my Honda Accord.  Remember to also make sure you have washer fluid.

I hope you enjoyed Adam's Auto Advice tips!  If you have a suggestion or comment about winterizing your vehicle  leave a comment below.  Keep warm this winter and please drive safely.  You never know what's on the road, so be prepared.

Harley-Davidson Violates Your Privacy!

A few weeks ago I got a phone call at my house.  This is how the beginning of the conversation went:

Me: Hello

Rep: Oh this is Jamie, How are you today?

Me:  Ummm… Ok

Rep:  I was just calling to inquire about how your recent visit to Harley-Davidson of Baltimore with sales associate Heidi Harris was?

Me: What?

Rep:  Well you it says here you visited the dealership and spoke with Heidi Harris recently!

Me:  ….NO!

I went on to tell the operator about how I had never set foot in Harley-Davidson of Baltimore.  I actually have no idea where it is located, who she was talking about… and how annoyed and disturbed I was that she was calling me.  I said I had some dealings with another Harley-Davidson (H-D) dealership regarding my blog, but they should not have my personal info except my email.  I asked, “How did you even get my phone number?”  The operator clearly was at a bit of a loss for words, sensing my angry.  She paused then said, “Well… mmm… I really don't know.  Did you go to any motorcycle events recently?  The answer was a a big, “NO!”  After awhile it came out that my they must have gotten my phone number from when I visited the Harley-Davidson plant in York, PA years ago.  I told the rep, “I am really annoyed I am getting this phone call.”  It turned out the rep was from an independent company and was not directly from Harley-Davidson.  Still this reflects poorly on Harley-Davidson and she claimed she was representing them.  I requested to be removed off the list and assumed that would be end of that.

Not quite!  I got an email on October 28th from Harley-Davidson of Baltimore… from Heidi Harris.  She saw I had mentioned I didn't want additional information, but she still would be happy for me to stop by and and see what they are all about.  Since I am a licensed rider, I am entitled to demo rides on any Harley product.

I mean really?  WTF?  I don't really want phone calls at my house about visits to dealerships that never took place.  I specifically request to be taken off the list from future contact and they send me a friggin email!  I guess motorcycle sales must be really down because of the economy.  This email was sent to my Yahoo email address that is checked infrequently since I use Gmail.  This tells you how long Harley-Davidson has been holding onto my info in desperate hopes I will go into a dealership to buy a bike.

Now I never intend to buy a Harley-Davidson!  Especially knowing how much they violate peoples privacy, including my own.  Until they have a change in privacy standards and practices, I would recommend to all my readers to not buy one either.