Actron PocketPlus Scanner Review

Probably the first thing you will notice about the PocketPlus scanner is it's diminutive size.  This is the smallest scanner I have ever used.  This is actually a plus for many reasons.  It's very easy to store anywhere, which allows you to take it along with you to a friend's house or maybe just store in your vehicle.  It was always easy to find a drawer or place to put the scanner.  The size also makes it easy to handle and use when connecting to vehicles.  I found myself using it often, because it was in my pocket a lot.  I guess it is called a “PocketPlus!”  Additionally it is simple an easy to use for almost anyone.  Novice mechanics can use it easily.

What are my complaints about the scanner?  They were quite a number of codes I was able to pull from the PocketPlus, but it gave no definition.  So you will need to check what some codes mean yourself.  This is expected on a lot of scanners in this price range .  Overall when compared to more expensive diagnostic scan tools and scanners the PocketPlus did well.  It read the same codes and gave the same information in a lot of cases.  More expensive diagnostic scan tools allow for more analysis and will usually always read the codes, but they are more expensive.  Also opening the packaging was quite difficult.  This is a common problem with lots of products, but it really annoys me.  Why can't companies make product packaging easier to open?  I guess this is just nitpicking.

The scanner actually saved me the other day, big time!  I went over to a friend's house to work on some cars, while also doing some exhaust work on my Mom's van, which was all fine.  Unfortunately while driving home the “Check Engine Light” came on.  I decided to try to ignore it until I got home, thinking it was probably nothing.  Well after driving down the highway for only a short period of time, the van had no power, was making a load cracking sounds, was not accelerating, and the engine and whole van felt like it was pulsating.  I thought about what was going on with the car and whether to stop and get it towed.  I then realized I had the PockerPlus Scanner in my bag!  Probably the only scanner I would have taken along because of it's size and usefulness.  Luckily there was a rest stop to get off the highway.  I wiped out the PocketPlus scanner and hooked it up.  It read three codes, P0300 Randon Multiple Cylinder Misfire, P0304 #4 Cylinder Misfire, and P0302 #2 Cylinder Misfire.  Since it was late at night and I was unsure if the van was going to make it back to my house, I decided to head back to my friend's house which was closer.  We concluded that the spark plugs and wires could be the issue.  I stayed the night and we changed them in morning, which alleviated the issue a lot.  After some Fuel Injector Cleaner it was virtually fine with no misfiring.   Getting the codes with the PocketPlus scanner was easy, changing the spark plugs could not have been harder.  Chrysler could not have it made it any more difficult to change spark plugs on these vans!   I was really glad to have the scanner handy as it saved any added damage to the van.

What's there to say about The Actron PocketPlus Scanner?  Reviewing the PocketPlus scanner was a pleasure and actually saved me in a difficult situation.  Overall I like it and feel it performs it's job well.  For a scanner under the $50 range it is ideal for a DIY mechanic or home mechanic.


  • Small
  • Easy to store & handle
  • Simple to use
  • Helped a blogger in a difficult situation!


  • Will not read some codes
  • Does not give definitions for some codes

Another Freebie, an Actron Scanner

Nice, an Actron Scanner!

On Monday I received this in the mail.  It's an Actron Pocket Scan Plus Scanner.  It's used for retrieving diagnostic trouble codes from vehicles, when the Check Engine Light is on.  A lot of scanners just read codes, but do not tell you what the code means.  This Actron scanner does both, in a very small unit.  It reads OBD II and CAN codes too.  This will be a useful addition to my tool collection.  Code readers are useful for any serious or DIY mechanic.  The best part?  It was sent to me Free of Charge by Actron so I can test out it and write about it.  I can't wait to find some cars to hook it up too.  A thorough review to be posted soon!