Looking for a New Domain Name

I thought I would put the word out that I am looking for a new domain name for this auto blog.  You might have seen that yesterday I have been online for 3 years, which is a big milestone for me.  Since this is such a big milestone I thought I would consider another buying another domain name so I can expand this blog.  Like a lot of people I choose a domain name because;

  1. It was available
  2. I thought it made sense
  3. It seemed catchy

While I still like the name “Adam's Auto Advice” I think that it doesn't reflect where I wan to take this blog as a site and it doesn't make sense.  Since it was available for the $10 registration fee it didn't seem like a big deal to me.  I think the name is catchy at least.  

So if you have a domian name that is auto related and would be ideal for this blog let me know.  I am mainly looking for these keywords in a domain;

  • Car / Cars
  • Auto / Autos
  • Motor / Motors

Preferably the domain should be two words and no longer than 15 letters long.  My budgets is $50 but I might go higher for the right domain name.  If you think you have something to offer please visit my contact page and let me know via email.  I am glad to take offers from domainers and any web entrepreneurs.

Changing to a new domain can be a challenging and exciting experience, but hopefully I am making the right choice.

3 Year Blog Anniversary (and Happy Earth Day!)

happy earth day

Most people probably are not aware but this blog turned 3 years old today, marking a nice blog anniversary for Adam's Auto Advice.  (Also it's Earth Day, so Happy Earth Day!)  You can checkout my first post I did 3 years ago from today, which wasn't all that amazing, but that is how I got my start blogging and writing online.  As well you checkout the post I wrote at my 2 year blog anniversary and that happened to be my 200th blog post on here as well.

Looking back I am amazed and how much better my writing has come along over 3 years.  I mean 3 years isn't that long when you think about writing, but in internet time that marks a lifetime basically.  Ironically it doesn't feel quite as long as I thought it does, but having a blog anniversary really makes you look back.

Some cool features I did on this blog was attending the GM Baltimore operations event for the Spark EV.  I got drive the Spark EV, which not a lot of people have, around the a closed course.  In addition I toured the plant and got to talk with engineers who designed the Spark EV and Chevy Volt.   Another cool event I attended was the Consumer Reports Top 10 Picks announcement at the National Press Club in Washington DC.  I also got some slick vertical business cards made off of Fiverr but I might need to change the design soon since I am shifting my focus to new projects.

In the 3 years since I started this blog social media has become huge part of the internet.  I joined Twitter and I am still learning and getting better with Facebook.  (Although I still don't get it!)  I am more active on Google+ and try to stay active on there since Google clearly is putting a lot of importance on Google Authorship profiles.  As far as I can tell they really only want to highlight people that are active and legit writers AND are interacting on Google+ a little bit.  Pinterest exploded this year, and while I think it is really cool, I still need to master that and figure out how to market myself and my other sites I have on there in the best way possible.

With the explosion of social media, the blogging field in general has grown a lot too.  I remember hearing a statistic by Matt Mullenweg, the creator of WordPress (the blogging software that this site runs on), that WordPress was downloaded over 430+ million time in 2012.  While not every download meant someone was using WordPress for a blog and people could use those installation files multiple times for different sites, that still shows the rapid growth of the internet as a whole.  (That statistic doesn't include automatic script install of WordPress by the way.)

New blogs and sites are popping up all the time, making it harder and harder to compete in the online world.  Some of my fans have probably noticed that I haven't contributed as much on this auto blog as I would have liked.  The main reason is I have done a lot more paid writing gigs.  Some were better than others and some paid pretty decently too, making me feel like the road I choose to be an auto journalist/blogger wasn't a wrong choice.  (Even though I know deep down it probably was.)  Honestly this field doesn't pay as much, unless you get crazy traffic, which is unlikely even if you know a lot about SEO (search engine optimization).

I think once you start writing you can't really stop though.  That's why I started a new online auto magazine, CarNewsCafe, with some auto journalist friends.  You can read my post about it here.  Starting another site, while challenging, actually has a lot of advantages when you do it with other people.  There are other writers are creating content, making it is easier to compete against larger sites.  In addition I can bounce ideas off of someone else if it doesn't work.  As well this makes you look more professional and you can network with others and create better more engaging stories.

While I will continue to write on this blog and write about cars, I am facing the harsh reality that this is a difficult market.  I have decided to slow down writing about cars for a little while, but won't stop.  I am going to be shifting my focus to some new site ventures, which will I will be very excited about when they launches.  The main one I am working on, HostTribe, will have tutorials about hosting and information for people that want to get started with their own sites.

I also want to wish everyone a Happy Earth Day.  Not sure what you are supposed to do on Earth Day, but I guess you should “Be Green” whatever that means.  If you want learn about Furoshiki, a Japanese gift-cloth wrapping technique, checkout the Fursohiki Forum.  If you use cloth, instead of paper, you can save $100's and even $1000's of dollars over the years.

I am glad that I could share this blog anniversary and milestone with all of you, and I look forward to writing and creating more websites that people can enjoy in the future.

Adam’s Auto Advice Turns 2 Years-Old Today Along With This 200th Post!

Me and My Dog Cody!

I thought I would share an important milestone with all the fans and readers of my humble blog, Adam's Auto Advice. This blog is now 2 years-old as of today.  Happy Birthday… to myself I guess! 🙂

It's amazing to think that my blog is 2 years old! Honestly it feels like I have been blogging and writing about cars forever, but it really has not been that long.

I look back at all the amazing posts and articles I have written. The articles and posts range from the fun and whacky Charm City Pedal Mill, the interesting Baltimore start-up ParkingPanda, attending the Baltimore Grand Prix, and breaking news about RelayRides. I have even tested automotive products and gone to a few car and auto shows.

Probably the best thing I have written about on this blog was my road trip from Irvine, CA to back to Baltimore.  It was an amazing trip and I hope to do many more road trips and a cross-country road trip again soon.

You know, I started this blog and didn't have set high hopes for my writing but look at me now! I am a full time auto journalist and blogger. I was able to go from writing as a hobby to writing about cars professionally.

Looking back at my first post, and some of my early writing such as this Top Gear editorial my writing has come a long way and fast. I am fortunate to be able to be doing something creative and love what I am doing.

I feel proud of everything I have been accomplished with this blog and other writing I have done.

As well sharing my experience when I appeared on Anderson with Anderson Cooper for the TV show's New Year's Special. I performed “Auld Lange Syne” with my singing dogs, Cody and Sierra, which was an amazing experience which I shared on this blog. (Of course it had nothing to do with cars, but I did drive up to New York-City with my dogs.)

I am glad to have had all these interesting and varied experiences. I hope to share more auto news, advice, tips & tricks, product reviews, with everyone via Adam's Auto Advice. I know I will continue to grow and experience more amazing automotive experiences in the future.

I also appreciate all the people with a shared passion for cars I have meet along my journey. We have exchanged web advice, writing tips, and personal stories of “Auto Awesomeness!”

Someone who deserves credit for my blog is my brother Jason. He helped me get this blog up and running and switch from Blogger to WordPress. He's also helped keep this blog going and updated. Thanks Jason!

I certainly have not crossed everything off on my automotive bucket list. I know I have a lot more great experiences ahead of me.

This is actually my 200th post! I didn't plan that, but it is a happy coincidence.  There will be hundreds of more great articles and posts along the way. I am going to make an effort to post more and most likely shorter articles in the future.

I hope all of you continue to follow my writing and work. Please Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest to keep updated.

I look forwarding to writing about cars and on this blog for many more years.

My New Toshiba Portege Laptop!

Last night I got something really awesome in the mail, my new Toshiba Portege Laptop.  This thing is awesome!  I am using it now to type this post!  My Toshiba Portege is super light, fast, thin, and has a good responsive keyboard, which is perfect for an auto journalist and blogger.

One drawback is it my Toshiba Portege does not have a dedicated graphics card.  However it's got lots of other great features like an build in SD slot which I have already used!   As well there is an HDMI port, and DVD/CD burner.

If you are considering buying a Toshiba Portege and have any questions about it, please leave a comment below.


Need a Car Seat? Follow Me On Twitter!

Do you love Twitter?  Do you need a car seat for your small child? Then you are in luck!  The first Adam's Auto Advice Contest has officially begun.

I am looking to get over 1,000 Twitter Followers in 1 month.  If you help make that happen, then you could win a Graco Car Seat!

I won't just take into account Twitter followers, you also need to Retweet and Mention my blog.  Increase your chances of winning with a Facebook “Like”, Google+, Google Circle Add.  Hey if you like to use Digg, Delicious, StumpleUpon, etc. share my articles on there too.  Basically whoever shares my blog posts and articles the most will win.  Currently I am at 125 followers, so better get cracking.  Good Luck!

Graco Car Seat

If you want to win the Graco Car Seat, please email me with the subject “Win Graco Car Seat.”  I will then choose a winner who has clearly shared my contest the most.  If there are a few awesome people who have shared my content and shown a commitment to promoting Adam's Auto Advice, I will then randomly select the winner.  Car seat is rated for a small child up to 40 pounds.  Will ship to the lower 48.