2012 Teens Drive Smart Video Contest Wants You to Win $50,000 in College Scholarships

Teens Drive Smart Video Contest

Bridgestone recently opened up submissions for their 2012 Teens Drive Smart Video Contest. This contest gives students the chance to showcase their creative movie making skills, while trying to grab part of $50,000 in college scholarships Bridgestone is giving away.

The Teens Drive Smart Video Contest is looking for short automotive safety-themed videos, which encourages drivers to make good decisions behind the wheel. A good example for a theme would be “Don't text while driving.” (Something I am sure you don't do… right?)

Students who are between the ages 16-21 years old are eligible to enter. If you want to submit a video to be judged by Bridgestone the deadline is June 22nd, 2012.

After receiving the video submissions Bridgestone will have a panel of judges determine the Top 10 videos. These Top 10 will then be posted on Youtube, so the public can vote on on their favorites.  The three videos that receive the most votes will win the coveted scholarships; The Grand Prize winner will receive $25,000; second place receives $15,000 and third place receives $10,000. Not too bad if you ask me!

The scholarships are not the only prize in the competition. The Grand Prize winner will have their video air on the MTV Jumbotron in Times Square in New York City during August. Just try to imagine the awesomeness of your video up on a Jumbotron!

Also, the Top 10 Finalists of the contest will have the chance to have their video used as a public service announcement (PSA) on television stations across the United States.  In addition they will receive a new set of four Bridgestone or Firestone branded tires.

If you are interested in submitting a video, keep in mind your submission should make viewers be more more safety-conscious when using their vehicles. In addition the video should effectively and creatively communicate the message you are trying to get across.  Last year's winner Amber Cullen won with her video, “The Phone Bandit.”  You can also view last prior's winners via Teens Drive Smart website to get a better idea of what you should do for your video.

Each year the videos get more creative, fun, and interesting. I assume this year's contest won't be any different.

I am not eligible for this contest, but if I were I would try to use something crazy and fun.  Like my talented singing dogs! (We even made an appearance on Anderson with Anderson Cooper at Lincoln Center! :))

Anyway, try to remember it’s not just about getting a scholarship for college but helping make people more aware of dangerous driving habits. Your video can potentially create safer drivers on our roads.

For more info and to submit a video visit: http://www.teensdrivesmart.com

St. Patrick Day “Tipsy Taxi” Service

Happy St. Patrick Day!  I am sure most people in Baltimore will be celebrating this holiday by going out to a bar or restaurant and having a few drinks.  Why not have a little fun, right?  It is important to remember to not drink and drive though.  You not only endanger yourself when driving intoxicated but fellow drivers and passengers on the road.  If you are going out tonight you might want to remember to call the “Tipsy Taxi.”

What is the Tipsy Taxi?  It is a collaboration between the American Automobile Association (AAA) and Yellow Cab that tries to keep drunk drivers off the road on holidays that usually involve consuming large amounts of alcohol.  To help with St Patrick's Day celebrations they are offering the service tonight.

That means on St. Patrick Day, Saturday March 17th, between from 4 pm – 4 am anyone who is at a Baltimore city restaurant or bar can call (#1-877-963-TAXI) and get a Free Ride home.

There are a few restrictions to using Tipsy Taxi though.  You must 21-years-old and need to live in the Baltimore metro area.  The taxi rides are Free but after $50 bucks, the rest of the ride is on you.  Still it is a pretty sweet deal and a good idea to keep intoxicated drivers off the road.

Supposedly the Tipsy Taxi line is busiest between 12 am – 2:30 am.  So keep that in mind if you call then.   Remember if you are drinking tonight please call the Tipsy Taxi number #1-877-963-TAXI.

Have fun and stay safe!

Win One of Eleven Free 1-Year Subscriptions to Motor Trend from Adam’s Auto Advice

Win a Motor Trend Subscriptions!

Following the success of my Baltimore Auto Show ticket giveaway (and the marginal success of my carseat giveaway) I have decided to do another giveaway.  What am I giving away?  A total of Eleven Free 1-Year Subscriptions to Motor Trend magazine!  That is a $50 value that you can get for free!  Sounds awesome, right?

What do you need to do to win a Free Subscription?  It is as simple as 2 mouse clicks.  A “Like” on Adam’s Auto Advice Faceboook page and a follow on my Twitter feed.  That's less than 3 seconds of work for enjoying a whole year of Motor Trend.

Well, you also must leave a comment below to inform me you are interested in winning a free Motor Trend subscription with a valid email address.  Please include funny car stories, adages or maxims, or just a fun reason why you need or want a Motor Trend subscription.  Still that isn't much work to enjoy a great publication all year long like Motor Trend.

For additional chances to win make sure to Share, Tweet, ReTweet, Email, etc. this Motor Trend giveaway.  If you noticed I have Shareholic installed on this website for easy sharing.  If you want to be even more ambitious you can become a Facebook Friend, add me to your Google+ Circle, and also include Adam’s Auto Advice Google+ Page.

I think you get the idea and this is similar to my ticket giveaway to the Baltimore Auto Show.  Follow me on social media to get a chance to win, but your chances increase the more social media platforms you follow and share me on.   Good luck and I hope there will be a lot of happy people getting these Motor Trend subscriptions!

Now for the nitty gritty of the contest.  Contest ends March 28th, 2012 and winners will be announced the following day via a post on Adam's Auto Advice.  Please allow 6-8 weeks for the first issue to arrive.  This giveaway is only open to residents in the US.  Each address or household is eligible for one subscription.  Adam's Auto Advice is not affiliated with Motor Trend or it's subsidiaries.  This website and the owner and operators are responsible for issues not being delivered or other crazy things that could happen with a magazine subscription.