Interested in Driving a Cross the Country?

Some people are aware I am getting a Honda Accord from my Grandma.  The car however is in California and I am in Maryland.  What's the best thing to do?  Roadtrip!  That's right I am taking a Cross-Country Roadtrip.

I am driving the car from Irvine, CA to Baltimore, MD.  Unfortunately I cannot find an interested friend or family member to accompany me.   That leaves the co-driver position open to any interested people.  Ideal candidates should photography skills, and a clean driving record.  A plus would be if you are interesting, fun, and adventurous.  I am planning on leaving at the beginning of August.  If you need to get from West to East coast and want to have a great time seeing the country, send me an email!

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Adam loves cars and anything with wheels. He has many interests and passions but he especially loves writing and blogging. Hence starting this auto blog.

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Adam loves cars and anything with wheels. He has many interests and passions but he especially loves writing and blogging. Hence starting this auto blog.

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